Bij welke snelheid heb je het uitgeprobeerd? Onder de (uit m'n hoofd) 20 of 30 km per uur werkt de ABS inderdaad niet. Daarnaast kun je even op de sticker in de kofferbak kijken welke opties er allemaal op de auto zitten (daar staan allerlei codes op). De exacte code voor ABS is afhankelijk van het model en merk auto, hieronder alle codes voor ABS van de VAG:
Mocht je nog andere opties op willen zoeken:
1AC BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
1AD BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS) with electronic differential lock (EDL)
1AE BRS Electronic differential lock (EDL/ABS)
1AF BRS Power brake
1AG BRS Nine-inch power brake
1AH BRS Electronic differential lock (EDL)
1AI BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
1AJ BRS Anti-spin regulation (ABS/ASR/EDL) with electronic differential lock (EDL)
1AK BRS Electronic stabilization program (ESP) with brake assistant
1AL BRS Power brake
1AM BRS Ten-inch power brake
1AN BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
1AP BRS Electronic Stability Control (ESC) with electromechanical brake booster
1AQ BRS Seven/eight-inch tandem power brake
1AR BRS Anti-spin regulation (ABS/ASR)
1AS BRS Electronic stabilization program (ESP)
1AT BRS Electronic stabilization program (ESP)
1AU BRS Power brake with hydraulic test points
1AV BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS) with electronic differential lock (EDL) and hydraulic test points
1AW BRS Anti-lock brake system (ABS)