Hard to decide between Kodiaq and 5008


Maybe you better register and post on the Briskoda.net, they speak your language.
I'm afraid you won't get the right answers here...

The initial responses are sincere responses to @Pankh 's question, so my guess is that the lack of @Pankh response makes this threat go of-topic in Dutch.
Given the any updates.. response without providing any feedback regarding the questions asked makes it very hard to help @Pankh

So my guess is, that he won't get very much help at any forum if you don't respond after posting your question..


Ja. Fransozen zijn onverbeterlijke stijfkoppen.
Daarin verschillen ze dan bijzonder weinig van Nederlanders, kan ik je vertellen na een beroepsleven lang in een zeer internationaal georiënteerde omgeving te hebben gewerkt met collega's in een stuk of 10 verschillende landen.
Anders gezegd: da's niet zo'n sterk argument... :pardon:

En dat dan nog los van het gegeven dat we jarenlang redelijk intensief gebruik hebben gemaakt van diverse Franse auto's, en dat absoluut zonder noemenswaardige problemen: een Simca, diverse Citroëns en Renaults.
Er was overigens ook nog eens een "Duits-degelijke" NSU bij (voorloper van Audi) en juist die liet het afweten: rook uit het dashboard, de hele zooi aan elkaar gesmolten en nog net niet afgefikt. Wel afgedankt en vervangen door onze eerste besteleend (AZU 250kg).

Kortom: laat die vooroordelen maar zitten...


Maybe you better register and post on the Briskoda.net, they speak your language.
I'm afraid you won't get the right answers here...

In the UK, people drive on the left side of the road, so I guess he will get left answers instead of right answers.

Nou hier komt er één:

Typische 308 (huidige generatie) kwaal: Bij harde zijwind gaan de deurrubbers zoemen/vibreren van de voorportieren...

Hoor je niemand over, toch heb ik de derde 308 op rij die er last van heeft!

Was dat rubber soms voor een heel ander product bedoeld? Zoemende vibrerende rubbers, daarbij denk ik toch niet als eerste aan een Peugeot. :D
I know this is a Skoda forum but I really am having a hard time to decide. I feel like the Kodiaq feels like a cars car, but the 5008 has such a nice interior and comes with soo much tech and features that the Kodiaq does not as standard.

I would love the pick the Kodiaq but I feel like I am buying a car that lacks all the fun tech and gadgets that the 5008 provides.

Can someone give me some points to keep me on track with the Kodiaq or any other opinions?


Senior Member
All comes down to taste. And that is personal. For instance, I do not agree with you on your opinion/taste regarding the interior. But that doesn’t matter. It’s your taste/opinion, you’ll have to “live” in/with it. Not me.
Peugeot makes, in my opinion, the worst reliable cars from those 3 French company’s. And neither one of them is reliable in the first place. Be aware that the frenchies always had a lot of electrical problems in there cars. And you are looking for a french car with a lot of electrical gimmicks on it.. So if you want a car that will be a pain in the rear end once they age you could buy a french car but i would stay away from them.

if you only want it to drive around in it for lets say 4 years or so then dont buy it at all but lease the car since they will drop in value pretty quick and by leasing the car you keep that lost money in your wallet and if it breaks down you dont have to pay for it.
Laatst bewerkt:


I would suggest to take both cars with the engine of your choice for a spin and see which one appeals most to you.
As @Enkhuizen said it's all about personal preferences

I think the Kodiaq is the most spacious of the two and in my case the space in the car is very important.
Personally I hate the ergonomics of french cars, so for me a 5008 (although I like the looks of it) isn't going to work..


Nieuw lid
I'm also looking around in that range of cars, I like the second seat row of the Peugeot because it has 3 single seats, that's an aspect that is missing in many spacious cars since the SUV has taken the market over from the monovolume...

Fabia 123

Gadgets en interieur zijn een kwestie van smaak.
Na verschillende Peugeots heb ik erg moeten wennen aan het saaie interieur van mijn Fabia 1.Dat had Peugeot veel beter voor elkaar.
Problemen met de elektronica had ik met de Peugeot niet. Met de Fabia 1 wel. Ook nu komen elektrische problemen voor bij Skoda / VAG.Kijk
maar op dit forum.
Idem bij andere merken.

Bij gadgets gaat het om de vraag welke je belangrijk vindt, dat kan de doorslag geven. Was bij mij ooit een belangrijke reden om van Peugeot Skoda te gaan rijden. Maar andersom kan ook.


excerpt from the provided link: "Its showing in our 2019 Driver Power customer satisfaction survey is similarly reassuring, as the Kodiaq finished sixth out of the top 100 cars on sale. Owners love its engines, interior quality, ride, practicality and reliability, although electrical glitches were the most common problem within the 22.6% of owners that reported a problem in the first year of ownership.

Skoda came an impressive sixth out of 30 brands in our manufacturer list, although this is a drop from second place in 2017."

When you search for Peugeot 5008, you get this;

excerpt: "Peugeot came 12th out of 30 brands in our 2019 Driver Power customer satisfaction survey, beating the likes of Audi, BMW and Volkswagen.

Now, in fairness, a 12th-place finish isn’t that much to crow about, but it’s by no means a shocking result – and a marked improvement on Peugeot’s 17th-place finish in 2016. Given the 5008’s mechanicals are used by at least four different models of car, we’d say it’ll be as thoroughly developed as is possible."

So.. in short, (concerning reliability) Skoda Kodiaq 6th place, and Peugeot 5008 12th place.


5008 and Kodiaq have little fun to offer. They are practical and comfortable cars, but driving fun is not what you can expect.

The choice between the two is simple. The Skoda is the better car. It is spacier, more comfort, more refinement and the ergonomics are way better then the Peugeot. So between these two, always the Skoda.

Fabia 123

Die komt ook uit de VAG stal.
Om de vooroordelen over Franse auto's wat te prikkelen. stel ik de Renault Megane voor.
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